Friday, January 8, 2016

Lip Sync Battle

This activity is inspired by the new game show on Spike. Essentially everyone dresses up and does a lip sync performance to a song of their choice. Send around a sign-up sheet beforehand to get people thinking about it and to get an idea of how many people are interested in performing. Let people sign up to perform solo or (even more fun) in groups. It is a good idea to preview the song choices beforehand to make sure they are appropriate for the activity. Inform each group they are in charge of bringing their own music to play as well as bringing any costumes they may want to wear for the performance.

The night of the activity each person/group that signed up then gets to come on stage and perform one at a time. Have one person be in charge of the music to help things run a little more smoothly. Invite everyone to come and watch even if they aren't performing. After everyone has performed, send around a ballot sheet to let people vote for their favorites. You can award the best group a homemade trophy or a fun treat. This one is sure to be a good time!